Project 90 Cape Town Club Conference

Created by student film-maker Michael Struwig, this film shares the visions and ideas of a group students from Project 90 by 2030 environmental school clubs.

A group of Project 90 by 2030 environmental clubs at schools decided to come together to share ideas, discuss ways of getting more students involved and to update each other on their progress. Headed by Glen Tyler (National Campaign Manager), Olivia Andrews (Operations Coordinator) and Daniel Robinson (Project 90 Clubs Coordinator, Cape Town), the meeting was a huge success. Standing there, filming the video profiles, I couldn’t help but wish my school did something like this whilst I was still a student. The outlook looks incredibly bright, and these kids really have great plans for the future. Thanks to Daniel for asking me to film at the event. It’s never been anything less than incredible working with the Project 90 Crew.

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