A panel discussion on climate science and climate justice with the world’s foremost climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen, as well as Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, and Clayton Thomas-Muller, the Indigenous Environmental Network’s Tar Sands Campaigner. The event moderator is Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux.
Tar Sands Action/ Josh Fox
Oscar nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland) gives his powerful support to the Tar Sands Action, a two week sit-in at the White House to show President Obama he has the support of the people to stand up to Big Oil. If you haven’t yet heard about this exremely destructive process of extracting fossil fuel then this video is a must see.
Pants Low, Spirits High – The Tar Sands Protests
More than 160 people have been arrested at the White House in the first three days of protests calling on President Obama to reject a proposed Keystone XL pipeline that would carry oil from Canada’s tar sands to the United States. Writer Bill McKibben, a leader of the actions, says on release after two days in jail: “Our pants may be low but our spirits are high, and our determination intact.”